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Here at The Wave, we know our teens are talented and have so many God-given gifts. You are smart, capable and caring and there’s no reason that we should wait for you to leave The Wave so that you can start to use your gifts for God’s glory. We want to build you up and send you out to be the next generation of church leaders. So we are going to challenge you to “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16) starting NOW!


Here’s how it works . . .


You check out the list of challenges below and choose whichever ones you are interested in trying. If you need help choosing, any one of The Wave volunteers would be happy to help you out. Each completed challenge is awarded points based on the level of difficulty and complexity. Additional points may be awarded for completed challenges which exceed expectations. In August, our top 10 earners will select from a variety of experience-based prizes. These are no joke! Trust me, you will NOT want to miss out on this fun! Each month a new prize will be revealed so stay tuned. Teamwork is encouraged.




As we focus on Great Lent, here are some Wave Challenges that are perfect at encouraging your teen to pray, read, fast and give.


  • Pray one hour of the Book of Hours (Agpeya) everyday for a week and share its impact on your life.

  • Memorize Psalm 51. 

  • Keep a daily gratitude journal for a 2 weeks and share it's impact.  


  • Complete a Chapter Summary for any chapter in the Bible.

  • Study a favorite character of the Bible and write a summary about their life.


  • Fast from dairy or meat for 2 weeks and write a paragraph about what you learned.

  • Fast from gossip and talking negatively about others for a week and write about it's impact on you and those around you. 

  • Fast from snacking between meals for a week and share how it helped you realize how often we think of food. 


  • Volunteer at HOPE events or at an SNL Service Project.

  • Practice being a part of the Hospitality Team. Bake vegan cookies/treats for the Sunday School teachers and bring it into Room 118 on Sunday.

  • Write a thank you note to a family member, teacher, friend or coach. 

  • Go out of your way to give your attention to someone at school who is often brushed aside and share what their response was like. 



Download the Class Dojo app or go to from a computer.


Enter as a student.


Scan your personalized QR code from your poster that was given to you in class. Didn’t get one or not sure where you put your poster? Email


Upload your file and you’re done!


Check back to see how many points you were awarded. In the meantime, take on another challenge and keep shining your light! Progress will be updated at the top of this webpage so you can see where you stand. Don’t forget that you’re encouraged to work together because two are better than one.

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